Moving on in difficult times
Since my last blog just a few days ago it seems things have moved on faster than we have all hoped. These are difficult times.
Like me, you probably feel at something of a loss to know how best to deal with the myriad of issues you can see lying ahead. Your mind may be whirring with all the things that need rearranging, postponing, canceling, how to stay afloat financially and keep all your people safe and as cheerful as possible.
At Yarmouth Gallery we are going to have to make more changes if we are to get through this. We have been trading now for 21 years and love what we do: we don't want to stop so here is our plan to survive Covid19.
We will still be here but we have very reluctantly decided to close the doors at Yarmouth Gallery for the time being and switch our emphasis to on line selling. We already have a strong on line presence which is currently geared up to encourage visits - over the next few days and weeks we will be refocusing our efforts towards selling on line.
The gallery will be manned 7 days a week to monitor the on line shop, respond to enquiries, pack and send, make local deliveries, pack items ready for collection.
Because I am self isolating David will be joined by volunteer, James, who will help cover the seven days. They are going to be photographing the artwork and writing up details to put on line. They will package and deliver / post / be there for collections by people who live on the Island: they will be on a steep learning curve.
Of course all of this can only work if you, our customers continue to support us and help keep us afloat
Ideas are still developing and we are open to new ones!
We hope all the fabulous artists who's great artwork we currently represent will stay on board, and new things to delight will continue to arrive. We will be writing to all our artists over the weekend. If others would like to join us they can contact me at to discuss.
The coming days and weeks will be tough but whatever happens, we’re all in this together.
Stay safe
Anne 01983 761424